Working with More Than One Recruiter

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 Dear Deb:

I am using social media, cold-calling, and job boards in my job search.  Thought I might also send my résumé to a recruiter.  When job searching, is it alright to work with more than one recruiter?  What about these résumé blast services where they send it to hundreds of recruiters?  What’s your take on this?

Thanks, Ed

Dear Ed,

Absolutely!  It is perfectly alright to send your résumé to multiple recruiters.  Most recruiters are paid by the hiring company.  Recruiters like to have a large database of candidates so they have a better chance of finding a match for their client, the hiring company.  From your perspective, you want to be in many recruiters’ databases so your résumé is identified for the right opportunity. 

I like the distribution services.  Make sure it is a reputable company by checking the Better Business Bureau and other consumer protection sites.  Use a “throw-away” email address because some Spammers pose as recruiters to get access to email addresses.  You could possibly receive Spam and also unwanted sales emails from various career service companies. 

Thanks for writing. I wish you all the best in your search!


If you have a question for Deb, please email The Ask Deb column appears every Friday on our blog at the Careers Done Write website. 


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