Where can I put non work related achievements on resume?

Hi Deb:

At the age of 19, I traveled alone to India to study Buddhism because of my strong philosophical interest.    I studied at the Rhavna Society for 2 years.  I did not earn a degree.  It was more of a spiritual and personal development experience.  This is one of my biggest achievements. Where do I put this on my résumé?


Dear Fiona:

Traveling to India alone for a 2-year program is a big accomplishment for a young person.  However, you need to be careful how share this on your résumé.  I advise against including information on your résumé about faith, religion, or spiritual beliefs.  Employers are precluded from asking or using this type of information in a hiring decision.  Unless you are applying for a job at a religious institution in which this experience is relevant, exclude this information.

You could show this under the heading of “international experience” on your résumé and write a line or two about the countries you visited.  Or, you could classify it as “Cultural studies program, India (2009 - 2011).”

If you have a question for Deb, please email debra@careersdonewrite.com. The Ask Deb column appears every Friday on our blog at the Careers Done Write website.  


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