Should I put my job search on hold during this pandemic?


Hi Deb:

I made a New Year’s resolution to make a concerted effort to find a new role. I have been with my current company for eight years, and it’s time to move on. I had many irons in the fire during January and February. I was going to networking meetings, and I was getting interviews. I was in talks with one company in particular, and it looked promising. However, when the gravity of the global pandemic became widely publicized, and many states issued stay-at-home orders, everything dried up. I have been in touch with the recruiter at the one company that I was interested in, and they now have a hiring freeze. In watching the news and hearing about the increasing jobless claims and hiring freezes all around, I’m wondering if I should shelve my search for now and consider myself lucky to have a job. I’m curious as to your thoughts on searching for a job during a global health crisis.



Hi Jenna:

Your question is one I’ve been getting quite frequently. The short answer is no; you should not table your job search until the pandemic threat has passed. The long answer is that no one can predict how long it will last or how long stay-at-home orders will be in force. For the sake of argument, let’s say that in 60 days, all restrictions are listed. Is everything going to go back to normal on day 61? Of course not. And we are all going to have to adjust to the new normal, whatever that may look like.

What would you gain by waiting? The time is going to pass whether or not you are seeking a new role. You need to keep your inertia going and continue with your networking and job seeking. While many companies have implemented hiring freezes, many are actively recruiting for open positions. I know this is a time of chaos, fear, and uncertainty, but it’s also a time for decisive action.

Be prepared for a different kind of experience when you search for a job during the pandemic. You won’t be having any in-person interviews. If you’re doing a video call, be sure that you’re dressed appropriately, and you have good lighting and reliable WiFi. Give virtual networking a try. Many networking groups are hosting meetings via Zoom or some other videoconferencing tool. LinkedIn also has groups for specific industries, fields, and professions. Get active. Remain active. Above all, show that you can solve problems. The only reason a company hires is that it needs people to solve business problems.

Do your part to flatten the curve by following the advice of the public health officials. And get ahead of the curve with your job hunt by continuing with a focused, strategic search.

All my best,



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