Should I interview when I am sick?

Dear Deb,

I have a terrible cough…the kind that once it starts, it does not stop for a couple of minutes.  I also am so congested that I feel and look disgusting.  I have an interview for the perfect job tomorrow afternoon.  Should I cancel?  Will they think I am a wimp?  I really want the job, but I know I will make a horrible impression and may get the interviewer sick. I need to call them ASAP, if I am cancelling.

Thanks, Deb!

Brendan  L.

Dear Brendan:

By all means, call the person with whom you have the interview to postpone the appointment.  Tell him or her that you have a bad virus and you are concerned that you will bring your germs to their office; you want to interview when you are at your best.  Make arrangements for the interview, giving yourself enough time to recover.  You don’t want to cancel twice.  Next, get yourself to your doctor so you can get this cough and cold under control. 

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!


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