Résumé Help - Technology Sales Services Management

Today we are going to discuss the CV of an international technology sales & services management executive.  I have provided a portion of his résumé for you; and I will share some of the core issues that make his résumé less than effective.  Herman is from Eastern Europe and has a limited command of the English language. His résumé lacks the level of accuracy required for a professional career document. He should consider hiring a professional or having a friend with a stronger command of English correct the errors. 

One of challenges with Herman’s document is that it is 4 pages long. This is unnecessary based on the amount of content he has.  Herman used 1.5 line spacing for most of the document and bulleted items unnecessarily, which added additional length. With modified margins and better positioning he would have a nice two-page résumé.

Herman also mingled his responsibilities with his achievements. This is a common error that candidates make.  When writing a résumé, it is best to first list duties and then add accomplishments.  Using 10 or 15 bullets consecutively virtually guarantees that parts of your résumé will be left unread. Herman would benefit from changing the format of his résumé to make it more consolidated and concise.

For additional comments about this CV that may be helpful to you, please click on the image below. 

If you would like résumé help, please email debra@careersdonewrite.com.  The Résumé Help blog appears weekly on Mondays at the Careers Done Write website – http://careersdonewrite.com/blog.


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