Résumé Help: Sometimes You Need a Résumé Overhaul

Many times a candidate will gather tips from friends and co-workers.  They make sure to add what they think are “the” buzzwords, include more language than needed, and paste in their job descriptions to be accurate. Some candidates get lucky and actually get interviews with a résumé like that.  However, I wonder what great opportunities they may have missed if they had an excellent résumé.  Furthermore, in this market you may not get that lucky.

That’s the case with Heidi.  Her résumé is in need of a complete overhaul from top to bottom.  If you have been reading this blog weekly, you have read about structure, proper grammar, attractive presentation, compelling accomplishments, and inclusion of skills relevant to the job goal.  I think we can safely say that Heidi needs help in all of these areas.  Take a look at the résumé and our comments for details. 

With help from a résumé professional, she can overhaul this résumé and get back on track.  For those that prefer to write a résumé without a professional résumé writer, there are many books available.  Be sure to select a recently-published book.  Also, take some time to look at the samples on our site and search the blog for other résumé help entries.

To see additional résumé suggestions that will help you as you create your own résumé, please click on the image below.

If you would like a résumé critique, please contact Debra Wheatman at debra@careersdonewrite.com or visit us at http://careersdonewrite.com. The Résumé Help blog appears weekly on Mondays.


Long Ago in a Far Away Place


Should I include a second job on my resume if its unrelated to my career?