Résumé Help - Scientific Project Management Professional

Today we are focused on the curriculum vitae of a project manager who works for a scientific research organization. We are showing just a portion of his résumé to help you learn to avoid some of the pitfalls that many job seekers make when creating a résumé.

The first error that Jules has made is to use an objective rather than a summary statement. He has also neglected to add a headline or summary section to properly brand himself so the reader will know exactly what his strengths are.  In addition, Jules has wasted valuable space by making his contact information and the words ‘Curriculum Vitae’ take up more space than is necessary.  The résumé is not as visually appealing as it should be.

Jules has also listed academic qualifications that do not impress.  He should consider either moving them to the bottom of the résumé or eliminating them altogether.  For additional suggestions that may be of help to you as you create your own résumé, please click on the image below.

If you would like résumé help, please email Debra at debra@careersdonewrite.com or visit the Careers Done Write website at http://www.careersdonewrite.com.  The Résumé Help blog appears weekly on Mondays at http://www.careersdonewrite.com/blog.


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