Résumé Help - Rising Corporate Strategist

Today’s Résumé Help focuses on the résumé of an up and coming corporate strategy professional.  It is difficult to tell exactly where the candidate, James, wants to take his career because he has not provided any branding information to let readers know his direction. In order to accommodate a headline, branding statement, summary, and list of core competencies, James will want to modify the layout of his résumé. 

If he expands the content, he may need to create a 2 page document, but not necessarily. By reworking the way that information appears and using paragraph format for duties/responsibilities while reserving bullets for quantifiable achievements only, James can take better advantage of the space on the page. He will simultaneously make his résumé easier to read and understand. By using attractive fonts, lines, and boxes, the visual appeal can also be improved to increase the attention his résumé will garner. 

For additional comments about James’ résumé that will help you as you plan improvements to your own résumé, click on the image below.

If you would like résumé help, please email Debra Wheatman at debra@careersdonewrite.com or visit us at http://careersdonewrite.com/blog


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