Résumé Help: Format Only Matters When It Is Wrong

In this example, we are highlighting a few areas and offering advice on how to create a clean, appropriate format that is aligned with résumé writing standards.  There are several aspects of your résumé that are black or white. There is no in-between. For example, if you spell everything right on your résumé, don’t expect a “Woo-hoo - move this candidate to the front on the line!”  However, misspellings can cause you to be eliminated. Formatting is similar. A properly formatted résumé is expected and goes without mention.  However, get the format wrong and it matters. It matters a lot; and probably will lead toward your elimination.

Please review the sample résumé from Jane.  You can see that she has good information, including impressive academic credentials.  However, things seem unorganized and some choices for formatting are unorthodox. The comments on the document indicate just how Jane can make those easy corrections.

Why is the format (sometimes called structure) of a résumé so important?  If you do not follow standards, you can give the impression that you are not knowledgeable or did not take the time to learn the correct way.  Awkwardly-formatted résumés sometimes give an impression of, “Hmm…something is not right here.”  That can be distracting.  Lastly, standard formats develop over the years for a very good reason. They facilitate a quick read and enable the reader to easily find the information they require to evaluate the candidate. Some formatting elements, such as the contact information heading demonstrate common sense and basic writing skills. 

Here are additional resources on the subject of résumé writing:

Very Creative or Very Unprofessional

Common Résumé Mistakes You Must Avoid

Résumé Help:  Experience Section Format

To see additional résumé suggestions that will help you as you create your own résumé, please click on the image below.

If you would like a résumé critique, please contact Debra Wheatman at debra@careersdonewrite.com or visit us at http://careersdonewrite.com. The Résumé Help blog appears weekly on Mondays.


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