Looking for a Job after the military

Dear Deb:

Most of my 8-year career has been in the military.  Now that I am out, I want to get a job in the insurance industry in claims management or possibly for a corporation as a risk manager.  I was an armor reconnaissance officer.  I don’t know how to explain my Army experience in a way that supports my goal.

Kyle L., Killeen, TX

 Dear Kyle:

Thank you for your service!  In your job search, you’ll want to avoid using military terminology. Instead try to use more common terms that a civilian would understand. Spell out any acronyms.  If you are unsure if the resume is understandable, ask a non-military friend to review it.  In the military, you probably have a list as long as your arm of training courses and medals.  Only highlight the training that directly relates to your career goal.  In some cases, that may be none of your training.  Show medals that relate directly to an achievement and highlight the achievement rather than just listing the medal.

Read the job posting for your desired claims or risk management position.  Consider the skills they are requesting and compare that to your history.  Things you would emphasize on your military resume may be secondary on your private sector resume. Minor notes on your military resume may need to be expanded in your private sector resume.

For more tips on transitioning from the military to the insurance industry, try these resources:

Military.com’s Skills Translator

Retired from Military - Top 20 Jobs


If you have a question for Deb, please email debra@careersdonewrite.com. The Ask Deb column appears every Friday on our blog at the Careers Done Write website.   


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