Is MS Word the Standard for Resumes?

Dear Deb:

I applied for a job at a major bank for a private banking position.  I have 5 years of experience and should have been one of their top candidates for the opening.  However, they did not respond, not so much as even an acknowledgement of my submission.  I called the VP numerous times.  Finally, I reached him. He never got my resume. He talked to HR and they said that because I emailed a Pages document, they could not open it and therefore I was never in the pool of candidates considered. Needless to say, I was upset.  Pages is a major software application and a bank with locations across the Southeast should be able to open it. The VP said the position is filled and suggested I use a Word document next time or copy and paste a text file into the bank’s online application page.  Is this preposterous?  Should I have to buy a $400 software application to be viable in the job market?



Dear Brittany:

That sounds frustrating, but it is best to look forward and find a solution so this does not happen again. 

Yes, MS Word is the standard application for resumes.  However, you don’t have to make the big purchase.  You can access MS Word at a local library, business support shop (such as FedEx), or at a local unemployment support office.   Another work around is to save your document in a Rich Text Format, which can be viewed by most users of MS Word.  Keep the formatting simple if you are using Rich Text Format and do a text send and receive to be sure the document maintains the original desired look.

It is wise to have a text only resume (AKA plain text or e-resume) on hand. Many employers prefer that you copy and paste the text of your resume into an online text box on their website. It is smart to follow a company’s application protocol to increase your chances of success.

I wish you all the best, Brittany!




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