Is it phony to include boastful statements on a résumé?

Dear Deb:

My company offered me résumé writing services after I was laid off in March.  I am uncomfortable with what the writer did. I think it is so phony to create a designer résumé with a summary paragraph all kinds of boastful statements. That’s just not me.  I would rather just list my jobs and education.  Seriously, employers can tell by my job title what I did.  I think that type of résumé may be good for sales or marketing people, but I am an accountant. I get the feeling the writer is not familiar with résumés for accountants. What do you think?   I will feel so much better after hearing your advice.

Thanks,  Stacy

Dear Stacy:

It is difficult me to fully assess your résumé without seeing it. Perhaps you could send it to me for a critique.  However, I can address the concerns you stated.   Résumés should be professionally formatted. You can click on this link to view an example of a professional résumé that have been highly effective for my clients, including accountants.  Professional formatting shows you invested the time and/or money to present yourself in the best way possible.

You mentioned wanting to just list the jobs you held.  The problem with that is that it does not show how YOU performed your job.  Accomplishments are the most important items to include on your résumé.  Accomplishments are what you have done beyond the standard job description.

I wish you all the best, Stacy. Please contact us if we can help with your résumé.



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