How Much Notice Should I Give My Employer?

Dear Deb:

How much notice should I give my employer?  I was just offered a terrific job.   That company has a big conference in two weeks and my new manager really wants me to attend to meet everyone from the other locations.  If I quit today, it will be exactly two weeks.  My boss is out of town on vacation for three more days.  Do I wait?  Can I give a shorter notice?

Thank you,


Dear Hermione:

I don’t think the three days is going to make a difference.   Email your manager today and ask if you can speak upon his return to talk about something urgent.  In the meantime, get your desk in order and make notes so the transition will be smooth for your manager and your co-workers.  Create notes for your replacement too.  When you talk with your manager, offer to come in on a day-off to help  with the transition.  As with any resignation, express your gratitude for all that you have learned.

All the best,



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