How Much Detail on a Project Manager’s Résumé

Dear Deb:

I am a civil engineer with 13 years of experience.  My résumé is 5 pages long because of the many projects in my career.   In my field it is important to show several details of the project, like budget, type work done, local government involved, and other details.  My recruiter said the résumé is way too long.  He asked me to cut it in half.

What is the best approach?  I need to show that info, but I also want to do what is acceptable to recruiters.

Thank you,

Isaac M.

Dear Isaac:

You both are correct.  The details of the project success and scope are your strong selling points.   Also, your résumé needs to be concise.  With 13 years of experience, two pages is probably a good length. I would need to see your résumé and discuss your history to be sure.  Many project managers and engineering managers create a two-page résumé and an addendum with additional project details.   In that scenario, the résumé would show the scope and highlights of some relevant and key projects.   The addendum would go a bit deeper to share more about the challenges faced in the project, action taken, and the ultimate results. The résumé is submitted as your initial inquiry or application to a job. An addendum is a second document that you present at the first job interview.

Please feel free to send me your résumé for a free critique. When I see your actual résumé, I can share more specific advice.

Thank you for your question.



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