How many pages should my résumé be?

Dear Deb,

How many pages should my résumé be?  I am a data processor for an insurance company with 18 years of experience.   My current résumé is two pages.  Is that OK?


Cliff K.

Dear Cliff,

The length will vary for each candidate.  A résumé should be as long as it takes to share the candidate’s top accomplishments, education, awards, and most recent 10 to 15 years of work history.  If your history is 18 years and there is not a good cut-off point between jobs, it would be fine to show 18 years of experience.  For most candidates, you should be able to share the pertinent information in two pages. Candidates who have longer résumés tend to have lists of publications, patents, or other key information that expands a résumé beyond two pages.

Thanks for writing,


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Résumé Help: Getting to the Heart of the Matter


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