Finding Temporary Work

Dear Deb:

My husband will be off work four months due to a hiatus at his production company. It’s the nature of the entertainment business. They are highly compensated when they are in production and that makes up for the down time that happens every two or three years. Here’s my dilemma. We have healthcare coverage, but I need a job so we have a little cash flow so we don’t have to dip into savings.  I have accounting skills and excellent up-to-date Excel, Access, and SAP skills.  I’m considering a temp agency. What’s the secret to getting good, extended assignments? I am sure they have so many candidates. 



Dear Heather,

You are smart not to dip into your savings! It’s also a good idea to spend time in the workplace to keep those skills sharp.  Here are a few quick tips to improve your success with a temporary agency:

* Create a Professional Resume: Present a current, well-written, nicely-formatted resume, just as you would for any job. Include all of the skills relevant to potential temporary accounting or administrative positions.

* Interview Strong: Treat an interview with a temporary agency as you would if you were interviewing directly with the employer/hiring company. Rehearse possible questions and answers. Dress impeccably. Smile.  Show interest in the actual work, not just the money.  Think of how many times have you said to yourself, "If I only had the money to do it, I would." With a little help from , you do, and you can.

* Form a Relationship: Candidates who receive the best assignments are those that connect with the agency representative. The representative must feel very comfortable that if they sent you to their client that you will be impressive and perform well. Remember to email a thank you message to the agency representative following your interview.  As you are given assignments, do a good job and keep in touch with the representative using the communication system they have established. (Some have a weekly check-in process online or by phone.)

Wishing you all the best!



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