Excluded from a Client Meeting

Dear Deb:

My boss announced at the weekly department meeting that one of our top clients is coming for a visit.  He said that all account executives should come to the conference room and introduce themselves.  They are serving coffee and pastries.  Then he tells me and another person that he knows we are swamped with the rollout report and we don’t have to go.  Maybe I am paranoid, but I think he does not want me there. I mean it only takes five minutes to walk in and introduce myself.  I think I am doing a good job and make a nice impression.

Am I reading too much into things?  Should I go? 

Thank you,


Dear Alicia: 

It’s difficult for me to know the undercurrents of the situation from this distance.  However, it would be doubtful that your boss would snub you in this way so publicly.  Maybe he feels that this quick introduction will turn into an hour-long time drain.  Knowing you are under pressure to complete the reports, he’s being considerate to release you from the obligation. That’s the most probable reason.

However, if you are unsure you could let your boss know that you enjoy meeting clients and want to be there. Assure him that your report is on track and taking a short time off for the introduction meeting would not be a problem.

The last thing you want to do is send a paranoid email or ask a paranoid question like, “What, you don’t want me at the meeting?  Do you think I would make a bad impression? Why did you say that?”  That could make you seem under-confident, suspicious, or both.

Thanks for writing!




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