Do I Really Want The Job?

Dear Debra:

In my third interview for a customer service manager position, the interviewer (who runs the branch) asked me if I really wanted the job.  He said, “I want to be sure that you really want this job” It’s like he wanted me to convince him.  In my mind, the fact that I am there for the third interview means that I am serious and I want the job.  I just said, “Yes, I really want this job. I would love to work here.”  The interview then ended and I never heard from the company again.  It’s been almost four weeks!  Did I do something wrong?  Was that a trick question?

Thank you!


Dear Gillian:

Not all candidates in the interview chair really want the job.  Some candidates are interviewing to explore various options.  Some candidates accept interviews to strengthen their interviewing skills. Smart employers know this. Employers must use the interview to determine if a candidate is certain about the position and the company.  If the candidate is just going through the motions to take the first job offered, they may not stay long in the position or they may not be a high performer.  

If you are sure that you want the job, it is important that you express your interest and enthusiasm to the employer.  Explain why you are interested and share highlights of your experience that prove you will be successful in that position.  If they are asking you, “Do you really want this job,” it is a sign that they are interested. Consider this a “softball” question that you can knock out of the park with a well-prepared answer.

If you have other interviewing questions, contact me.  I would be happy to provide interview coaching

Thanks for writing!



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