Cover Letter Help: Planning Your Message

Many candidates make the mistake of thinking a cover letter is just a formality.  They do not make the effort to create a compelling marketing letter. Take a look at Bree’s letter inserted below. Don’t fall into Bree’s trap. The following are examples of how Bree can improve her cover letter.

  1. Use the opening paragraph to explain why you are attracted to the employer.  Bree does not mention until the final paragraph that she has “respect for your company.”  A smart strategy would be to determine a specific attribute of the company that is impressive and to state that in the beginning of the letter.
  2. The middle paragraph is the core of your message.  Here is where you identify your very top values and show examples of accomplishments that back-up those skills.  This can be done in a bulleted format as Bree did. You may also use a paragraph format.  Bree only lists very basic skills, ones that would be expected of any entry-level employee, not a seasoned manager like Bree.
  3. Bree mentions that she would like a salary in the high 80s or mid 90s.  Salary requirements should only be mentioned if the hiring company specifically states in the posting that candidates must supply this information. Otherwise, this requirement should be omitted. Sharing this too early jeopardizes your negotiation later in the process and it also shows a focus on your needs rather than your value.

There are other minor items that are addressed in the example.  However, with attention to those top three tactics, Bree will have a much stronger letter and a better chance at winning an interview. If you would like more cover letter help, check out these resources:

Writing a Unique Cover Letter

Cover Letter Help: Why Are You Writing?

Six Things That You Must Nail in a Cover Letter


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