Career Move


I am in such a bad state now due to my wrong decision i had taken.

I have about 20+ years of experience working in good orgn in India for a BPO. However to aspire my career goals i always had a habit to apply for good roles in big banks. For one of such role i applied the senior in a bank interviewed me and found me suitable for the role. subsequently the hiring manager discussed with me and everything went well, but the hiring manager who thought it is cheaper to get me in contract(i did not know his cunning intention) played with my career. He told me that due to hiring freeze he would take me on contract role and when the freeze is lifted would offer me a perm role. Considering the seniority of the person, that too from such a good bank, I believed his words and accepted to join on contract thinking it is only for short period.

But when i joined on contract role and moved to Singapore, got to see that the 80% of the jobs were filled by contractors who were in the same job for more than 5 years. Moreover i was put into some very technical role which was not based on my experience. The person under the senior did not even understand my skill and used me for doing petty jobs. I have more experience and much more skilled than the stupid manager who makes me revolve in his own circle. He has poor leadership skill and does not even know how to work efficiently. He aslo makes me work inefficiently like him and most of my time is wasted doing activities which has no relevance and does not help anyone.

Recently the same senior in the bank offered some 4 to 5 permanent roles to the contractors who were staying in the bank as contractors for more than 7 years .They were doing a very good job and i
appreciate the gesture shown to them , but when i asked for a perm role, the senior said i had to prove myself better than others in some way.

I have no skiils matching the role and i am placed under a stupid manager who would not allow me to do better things.

Pls advice how can i come out of this. I am trying for some other job but not getting it due to my contract role..

I became unsettled from an settled state just because the hiring manager duped me and played in my career.


Dear Anonymous:

I am sorry that you feeling unsettled.  From a distance, it is difficult and perhaps inappropriate to give you very specific advice.  However, I am happy to share some suggestions that may be helpful.

* Let the bad feelings go.  They are only dragging you down and possibly preventing you from achieving your full potential.  It may be true that you were treated unfairly or were brought into this contract position in a less than forthright manner.  However, it’s best to approach this situation without the emotions. 

* If you feel you were placed in a contract role not suitable based on your education, skills, and career goal, talk to your manager and the HR manager about transitioning into a new role.  If they are unwilling to facilitate the transition, perhaps you will need to stay in this role until you find a better position (perhaps outside of this company.) 

* If your manager is telling you that you need to gain particular skills, consider that advice.  Perhaps the company will support you in gaining that training or education.  I would suggest not concerning yourself about your manager’s lack of skills.  As you continue in your career, you will encounter many people that you may find inferior.  Focus on yourself and not the perceived shortcomings of others.  Take every change to further develop yourself. 

* If this company is not a match for you, it may be time to search for a new position.  Better to make the change now.  I am not intimate with your particular environment, however, I do not think the fact that you are in a contract position would prevent you from searching and finding a new job. 

I wish you all the best!


If you have a question for Deb, please email The Ask Deb column appears every Friday on our blog at the Careers Done Write website. 


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