Asking for a Reference

Dear Deb:

Is it necessary to ask someone to be a reference?  Or, can I use someone’s name on an application without asking them?   I don’t want to bother them, especially if they never get a call.  Secondly, most employers really don’t check references, right?

Thank you,


Dear Sebastian:

Yes, absolutely, you should ask each reference personally before sharing their name with a potential employer. First, it is the polite to ask someone for  a favor rather than assuming they are at your disposal.  Second, you’ll want the reference to be prepared for the email or phone, so they can speak well on your behalf.  Here is an example of what you could send via email.

Dear _____________:

Would you consider serving as a reference for me?  I would very much appreciate it.  I am currently seeking a new position as a medical office manager in the Chicago area.  My resume is attached and below is a link to my LinkedIn profile page.

Thank you kindly,

Your Name

To answer your second question:  While it is true that references are not always contacted, you cannot be sure that a hiring manager or recruiter will not conduct the full due diligence. It is more common than not for references to be checked. You should ensure that your references are aware that a call might come regarding the strength of your background and experiences.   

Wishing you all the best!



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