Resume Help - Recent Graduate in Financial Services

Today’s résumé critique focuses on a candidate in the financial services space. We will call him Bob Smith.  Bob has some work experience, but is also a recent college graduate.  In his particular case there is nothing wrong with putting his education first, but Bob makes the mistake of forgetting some key elements that should be included prior to listing his education.

Bob left off a title line and any sort of branding statement to let the reader know the roles he is qualified to fill.  In addition, he did not include any summary highlighting his general capabilities. A summary statement will give the reader a feel for his strengths right away.  He also should include a list of core competencies that are searchable key words.  Then, he can go into detail about his education.

Many people highlight the name of the school instead of highlighting the degree they received. In cases where the schools is not well known, bold the degree received to give that information top billing.  Since Bob is a recent graduate, providing detail about his coursework will help the reader to gain an understanding of relevant training.

Bob could make the overall appearance of his résumé a bit more polished by considering an alternative font other than the overused and somewhat outdated Times New Roman.  In addition, he would benefit from providing information about his day to day duties in paragraph format and using bullets for content that highlights his achievements. 

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Today’s résumé critique focuses on a candidate in the financial services space. We will call him Bob Smith.  Bob has some work experience, but is also a recent college graduate.  In his particular case there is nothing wrong with putting his education first, but Bob makes the mistake of forgetting some key elements that should be included prior to listing his education.


Bob left off a title line and any sort of branding statement to let the reader know the roles he is qualified to fill.  In addition, he did not include any summary highlighting his general capabilities. A summary statement will give the reader a feel for his strengths right away.  He also should include a list of core competencies that are searchable key words.  Then, he can go into detail about his education. 


Many people highlight the name of the school instead of highlighting the degree they received. In cases where the schools is not well known, bold the degree received to give that information top billing.  Since Bob is a recent graduate, providing detail about his coursework will help the reader to gain an understanding of relevant training. 


Bob could make the overall appearance of his résumé a bit more polished by considering an alternative font other than the overused and somewhat outdated Times New Roman.  In addition, he would benefit from providing information about his day to day duties in paragraph format and using bullets for content that highlights his achievements. 


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If you would like your résumé critiqued, please write to me at


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