Résumé Help - Media Account Manager

Matthew is an accomplished account manager, but we would not know this by reading his résumé. His résumé is similar to many candidates early in their career who have not crafted a new résumé since college graduation.  Many times a candidate will simply add on experience without a holistic view of their résumé and current career goal. 

An early sign of this are the words “Permanent Address” in the contact section.  As we read further, we see that the two most recent positions focus on the functionality of the job and do not show accomplishments or results produced.  There is a bit of “helpitis.”  Earlier in his career as an intern, it was appropriate to show that he helped with this and that.  Now that he has been in the workforce for four years, we need to show fewer activities where he helped. Instead we want to uncover tasks he led and results he delivered. “Help” is a weak word in a résumé. 

Also, there are a few punctuation issues to rectify and a contemporary style would benefit him greatly.

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Stronger Bullet Points on Résumés and Cover Letters

If you would like a résumé critique, please contact Debra Wheatman at debra@careersdonewrite.com or visit us athttp://careersdonewrite.com. The Résumé Help blog appears weekly on Mondays.


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